Internal and External Links - BYUH Marketing and Communications Skip to main content

Internal and External Links


Use Link to set a clickable link to an external URL or an internal content including section, page, article, attachment or video.

An image pointing the link icon on rich text content on Brightspot.
Photo by BYUH

  1. Click the Link button to open the Edit Link page.
  2. Type the Link Text, select either External of Internal, and specify the Item.

Internal Link

If the content to link is within Brightspot, use the Internal link option.

An image showing an instruction on how to use the internal link on Brightspot.
Photo by BYUH

Below are the steps on setting an internal link.

  1. Click the Link button  to open the Edit Link page
  2. Type the Link Text, LEARN MORE
  3. Select Internal link type
  4. Click the spyglass button  to search for the specific content you wish to link. This also works with an attachment.
  5. Click SAVE & CLOSE
  6. LEARN MORE text now appears in the content with the link.

External Link

An image showing an instruction on how to use the external link on Brightspot.
Photo by BYUH

Below is an example of setting an external link.

  1. Click the Link button  to open the Edit Link page
  2. Type the Link Text, APPLY HERE
  3. Select External link type
  4. Place the URL
  5. Click SAVE & CLOSE
  6. APPLY HERE now appears in the content with the link