Website Guidelines and Standards
ABCS of BYUH Websites
University websites and online content standards can be explained and broken down into ABCS: accessibility, branding, copyright, and security. For the full and official policy, go to the University Website Policy
All online content should be accessible to people of all abilities. This is in line with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Related Policy: Accommodation of Persons with Disabilities
Standard: Level AA
Accessibility Tips and Resources: Making Online Content Accessible
In order to present a unified and professional online presence, all university websites should be consistent in design and writing style.
University branding and identity standards are established by Marketing and ommunications which dictate the colors, fonts, and logos that can be used to represent any part of the university online.
Standard: Brand Guidelines
Online writing style should be consistent with AP Style
Standard: AP Style
When referencing university departments, organizations, buildings, and locations, the correct names set agreed on by the President's Council should be used.
Standard: Editorial Style Guide
The proper permissions should be obtained for any content displayed or distributed on university websites. It is the content owner's responsibility to ensure authorization to use copyrighted materials has been obtained and to keep a record of that authorization.
Related Policy: Copyright Policy
In order to maintain a secure online environment for all university users, all university content and websites should be on the university approved and maintained content management system. Any third party applications must be tested, integrated, and approved by EIS.
Related Policy: University Web Policy