Dashboard Layout and Tools - BYUH Marketing and Communications Skip to main content

Dashboard Layout and Tools

After logging in, you will be welcome by the Brightspot dashboard.

An image of Brightspot Dashboard layout and tools.
Photo by BYUH

The dashboard layout includes the following tools:

  • Dashboard Home
  • Search & Advanced Search Queries
  • Quick Start
  • Recent Activity
  • Upload
  • Scheduled Events
  • Unpublished Drafts
  • Workstreams

The BYU–HAWAII logo on the top left corner takes you to the Dashboard Home.


Two basic search features include:

  1. Full-Text Search: Click in the Search field and type keywords. Brightspot will quickly search for items associated with the item in the Search field. If you start typing the second character, Brightspot uses full-text search to display all items in the search panel containing words starting with the characters you typed so far.
  2. Search Result Filtering: Full-text search can display many matching items. You can narrow the retrieved items by filtering on fields in the Filters panel. Each time a selection is made, Brightspot immediately updates the list of filtered items. A full-text search does not need to be performed prior to filtering.

Quick Start

Use "Quick Start" to create new content or quickly access existing content that changes frequently.

  1. Each icon represents a specific content type. Click on an icon from the list to create a new page. The Quick Start widget scrolls horizontally, so you can add as many content types and assets as needed.
  2. Select existing items from the list to quickly begin editing a previously created item.
  3. You can customize the Quick Start widget to hide certain content types you don’t typically use and keep the list clean. This setting is on a per user basis, so you can set the dashboard up as you like it.
  4. Select the gear button  at the top right of the Quick Start widget
  5. Check off the boxes under the “Create New” Types section
  6. To add existing content that you will edit frequently, select “+” under the “Edit Existing” Contents section and select an existing item to add to your list
  7. Click Save.

Recent Activity

The "Recent Activity" allows the user to quickly and easily perform the followings:

  1. Navigate to a recently edited and published pieces of content.
  2. Scroll through all edits in sets of 10, 20, or 50.
  3. Filter between content types and other roles or users.


You have the options to upload a multiple files or a folder right from the dashboard.
Important note: When load multiple files or a folder, make sure all are either images or documents. Do not combine them due to different content types defined in Brightspot.

  1. Drag and drop a file, multiple files, or a folder to the upload box.
  2. Or click “select” to open the Upload Files page.
  3. Click CHOOSE FILES to select the files, or click CHOOSE A FOLDER to select a folder. Click UPLOAD.

Unpublished Drafts

The "Unpublished Drafts" section lists content that is not yet completed, but saved in a status.

  • DRAFT is a new page/article created, saved but not submitted for an approval yet.
  • REVISION is an update made to a content that has already been published live on the site and saved.
  • DEPT MGR REVIEW is when the content has been submitted to a department manager and waiting for his/her review to approve or reject.
  • MARCOM REVIEW is when the content has been approved by a department manager and submitted to Marketing and Communications for the final review to publish or reject.

The content can also be accessed here by clicking on the blue printed content name.