Footers are the very bottom of any webpage that displays information (usually a logo or contact information). In BYU–Hawaii's case, we display the university name, copyright notice, and links to other legal notices in all of our footers (view the bottom of this page for an example). Footers can also have more information in them as well that may be needed across all pages of the site. The footer on this page has contact information as part of it. This guide will discuss editing the footer module and creating a footer navigation menu.
Footers in Brightspot will appear after the last content item on a webpage, instead of appearing at the bottom of the window regardless of where on the page the user is looking. As such, if there is little or no content on a page, the footer may not appear at the bottom, but rather in the middle of the screen (see this page for an example). This can also be affected by the dimensions of the browser window that the site is opened on. The only way to remedy this is to add additional content to the site.
Modifying a Footer
All new websites will have a basic footer copied over when they are created. Instead of creating a new footer, please modify the one that is already there. To find it, click the search bar at the top of the Brightspot dashboard, and in the search window that comes up, set the global filter to only show Page Footer (instead of Any Content Type). Before modifying the footer, please keep in mind that the BYUH logo needs to be at the bottom of all web pages along with the copyright.
Adding Personalized Content
After the BYUH standard logo and copyright notice in the footer, content can be added to appear right above it. This is the same way that content is added to a page. Different content types can be added as needed by clicking the "+" icon.
Footer Rich Text
The first column of the footer is a rich text field and includes basic information about the department, including department name, mailing address, email address, phone numbers, hours, and location. To edit a footer rich text:
- On the dashboard, click the search bar at the top. In the search window that comes up, set the global filter to only show Page Footer (instead of Any Content Type).
- Select the footer from the search results.
- Sart a new revision.
- Under the Content header, click on "Footer Columns: Rich Text" to expand the section.
- Click on "Column: Reich Text" to expand the module. Click on the rich text item under the "Items" header.
- Here you can revise the content in the rich text editor.
- Reminders:
- Follow the right formats for mailing addresses, box numbers, phone numbers, and office locations.
- Link phone numbers and email addresses.
- Use the correct time formats set in the editorial style guide (with am and pm instead of a.m., p.m., AM, or PM).
Footer Navigation Menu
Footers are often used as navigation menus that show contact information, link to other pages on the site, or connect to social media pages. To set up a footer navigation:
- On the dashboard, click the search bar at the top. In the search window that comes up, set the global filter to only show Page Navigation (instead of Any Content Type).
- Select the page navigation item that has the word footer in it. You can also find the navigation from the Page footer and edit it from there.
- Start a new revision.
- Under Items, click add to add a Simple Navigation Item.
- Change the Title section from Navigation Link to Navigation Text. In the text field that appears, type in the title that will appear at the top of the column (i.e., Social Media).
- Switch to the Sub-Navigation tab.
- Under Sub-Navigation, click Add. This will allow a new link to be placed into the column.
- Either a normal link or a social media link can be added:
- Social Navigation Item: choose the social media service to connect to (i.e., Facebook), then set the the title and add the link to the page the user will be redirected to (make sure to include https:// at the beginning). Choosing this option will cause the link to appear as the social media page's icon instead of actual text.
- Navigation Link: Set the text field to the title that should appear for the user (i.e., Resources), then set the link to Internal if the site being linked to is owned by the same website, or to External to link to a page not owned by the website. When adding an External link, make sure to include https:// at the beginning.
- To add more columns, repeat steps 3-7. There should be no more than 4 columns inside the footer.
Once finished, publish the footer.