Editorial Style Guide - BYUH Marketing and Communications Skip to main content
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Editorial Style Guide

Names and Job Titles of Employees

If you need the official name of an employee and their job title(s), refer to Workday. Job titles and names can be corrected through the Workday system and then approved by Human Resources.

Also, be sure to see the capitalization guidelines for job titles under titles in the list of BYUH terms.

Church-Related Terms

For any church-related terms, refer to the Church Style Guide for Editors and Writers and Comma Style Guide.

General Style Guide

For any other terms, not mentioned in our Editorial Style Guide, our university uses The Associated Press Stylebook.

Hawaiian Dictionary

For any Hawaiian terms, refer to this online Hawaiian Dictionary.

BYUH Terms

The guide below defines and clarifies the spelling and treatment of BYUH terms and related academic terms. Regardless of which general editorial style you adhere to, please follow these guidelines for BYUH publications and communication. Send corrections and comments to brand@byuh.edu.

BYUH Terms

the area overseen by the advancement vice president.

• Capitalize when referring to the area.
• Lowercase when making general references to academics.

Academic Advising


Visit the Academic Advising website

Academic Advisory Center (AAC)

houses Academic Advising (the department) and their academic advisors.

Academic Computing Lab Services


Visit the Academic Computing Lab Services website

academic degrees

Capitalize the academic degrees when stating the full name of the degree. General references to the degrees are not capitalized.

She earned a Bachelor of Science from...
He earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in visual arts..
She has a bachelor's degree...
I hold a doctoral degree (or doctorate)...

Do not use the apostrophe in associate degree or doctoral degree.

For Ph.D., Ph.D.s the preferred form is to say a person holds a doctorate and the name the individual's area of specialty.

*See majors/minors about mentioning the fields of study along with the degree type.

academic faculties

includes seven academic faculties that house and direct the academic programs.

These academic faculty units are considered as departments, while the academic programs are not.

Academic Multimedia Lab (AML)


Visit the Academic Multimedia Lab website

academic nursery

where cultivation and propagation of flora for transplantation and experimentation is facilitated for educational purposes.

Academic Oval

operates as the campus’ large roundabout, starting at the right side of the front entrance of the university and all the way around back to the left side.

academic program

the group of majors, minors, and certificates. Treated as proper nouns when referring specifically to official academic programs at BYU–Hawaii.

The academic programs under the academic faculty units are not departments. They should be referred to as programs.

Visual Arts Program
English Program
The Music, Visual Arts, and Theatre programs (plural usage)
I work for the Faculty of Sciences' Biology Program.
There are computer science programs offered at the universities on the island. (generally speaking)

See capitalization

Access & Collections Services

comprised of circulation, reserves, interlibrary loan, and technical services.

Visit the Joseph F. Smith Library or Collections website


the area overseen by the administrative vice president.



Visit the Admissions website


the area overseen by the advancement vice president.

Aloha Center (ACR)

acts as the welcome center for the BYUH Campus.

Aloha Center Ballroom (ACB)

hosts a variety of events such as school dances, performances, the BYUH Farmers Market, and can be reserved for student weddings.

  • Aloha Center Ballroom
  • ballroom
Aloha Center Information Desk

serves as a welcome center for the university in the Aloha Center Mall and provide responsive information, handles student ID cards, collects the lost & found items, and others services.

Not the Aloha Center Front Desk, Aloha Front Desk, or any other variation.

Aloha Center Mall

the main inside-area of the Aloha Center where people can gather, lounge, study, etc.

Aloha Plaza

the plaza between the Aloha Center and Banyan Dining Hall.

  • Aloha Plaza
  • plaza
Alumni Relations


Visit the Alumni Relations website


  • alumnus/alumni (male singular/male plural)
  • alumna/alumnae (female singular/female plural)
  • alum (used informally for either singular male or female)
  • alumni/alums (mixed male and female plural)
Asia Pacific Career Conference (APCC)

an annual career conference hosted by Career Services.

Do not use hyphen in “Asia Pacific.” See more under dual-heritage.

View the APCC website

Assessment Services


Visit the Assessment website

Auxiliary Services

provides BYU–Hawaii with goods and services that are essential to its success. Areas of responsibility are the BYUH Store, Food Services, Housing Operations, Mail Center, Print Services, Purchasing, and Travel Services.


The name of an award is capitalized, but other words or phrases to describe the award are not a part of the award’s name.

See capitalization

Banyan Dining Hall (BDH)

building and facility

Short Names:

  • the "Banyan"
  • "Banyan Dining"
  • dining hall

Not the Cafeteria, Caf, Cafe, Club Dining, or any other variation that isn't mentioned in this style guide.

Visit the Banyan Dining Hall website

Banyan Lanai

the outdoor eating area on the 1st floor.

Banyan Terrace

the outdoor eating area on the 2nd floor.

board of trustees

  • board of trustees
  • BYU–Hawaii’s Board of Trustees (official name)
  • board (referring to the Church or BYUH—or any other entity’s board, for that matter)
  • trustee
Brigham Young University–Hawaii

  • Brigham Young University–Hawaii (using the en dash)
  • the university
  • BYU–Hawaii
  • BYUH (not BYU–H)

Visit the university name webpage

Brigham Young University, BYU–Idaho, and BYU–Pathway World Wide

Use BYU alone when referring to the Provo campus. For other BYU campuses, use an en dash (–), not a hyphen (-) or an em dash (—), to connect BYU with the campus name.

  • Brigham Young University; Brigham Young University–Idaho; Brigham Young University–Pathway Worldwide
  • BYU, BYU–Idaho; BYU–Pathway Worldwide
  • Never BYU–Provo, BYU–I, or BYU–PW
Budget Office


buildings (BYUH campus)

When used with the name of a BYUH campus building, capitalize Building. Lowercase building when used on its own.

  • Heber J. Grant Building
  • McKay Classroom Building
  • The building will be completed in 2025.
BYU–Hawaii Store


Visit the BYU–Hawaii Store website

Call Center & Helpdesk


Visit the ITO website

Campus Home

an on-campus home that houses BYUH administration and VIP guests that visit campus.

Campus Maintenance

See Maintenance Management

Campus News

creates the student-produced magazine and online media organization, Ke Alaka‘i.

Visit the Ke Alaka‘i website

Campus Property Services

helps maintain the custodial and physical needs of the university.

Campus Receiving & Distribution

oversees the central store, providing a variety of products at competitive prices, purchasing orders, and delivering them in timely matter.

Campus Security


  • Campus Security
  • BYUH Security
  • security

Visit the Campus Security website

Cannon Activities Center (CAC)


  • George Q. Cannon Activities Center
  • Cannon Activities Center
  • Cannon Center
  • activities center

Avoid unnecessary capitalization. Use a capital letter only if you can justify it by one of the listed principles.

  • Proper Nouns: Capitalize nouns that have unique identification for a specific person, place, or thing. Some common nouns receive proper noun status when they are used as the name of a particular entity.
  • Proper Names: Capitalize common nouns such as program, university, and street when they are an integral part of the full name for a person, place, or thing.

    Visual Arts Program, Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Kulanui Street

    Lowercase these common nouns when they stand alone in subsequent references.

    the program, the university, the street

    Lowercase the common noun elements of names in plural uses.

    The Visual Arts and Music programs, Moana and Kulanui streets.

  • Exception: Capitalize plurals of formal titles with full names.

    Vice Presidents Isaiah Walker and Steve Tueller.

  • Family Names: Capitalize words denoting family relationships when they substitute for a person's name.

    I called my mom.
    I gave the car keys to Mom.

  • Informal Names: Capitalize words such as professor, doctor, coach, etc., when they substitute for a person's name.

    What's the homework for tonight, Professor?
    Let me email my professor. I think professor Lee would know.
    The doctor told me that I needed to drink more water.
    Am I sick, Doctor?

    See titles for guidelines on formal titles and job titles.

Career Services


Visit the Career Services website

Cashier’s Office


Visit the Cashier's Office webpage



  • Catering To-Go
    the "to-go" service that Catering provides for on- and off-campus customers

Visit the Catering website

Center for Academic Success


Visit the Center for Academic Success website

Center for Hospitality & Tourism


Visit the Center for Hospitality & Tourism website

Center for Learning & Teaching


Full Name: (Used for official communication)

  • Edward D. Smith Center for Learning & Teaching

Short Name:

  • Center for Learning & Teaching

Visit the Center for Learning & Teaching website

Ceramics Studio Building (CST)

houses the BYUH ceramic studio and hosts all ceramic and sculpting classes on campus.

Church College of Hawaii (CCH)

the former name of BYU–Hawaii.

Church Education System (CES)
class of

class of [year] (class not capitalized)

  • the class of 2026
Client Services


Visit the Office of Information Technology website



• Capitalize when referring to the department.
• Lowercase when making general references to clubs.

Visit the Clubs at BYU–Hawaii webpage

commencement and convocation

commencement, convocation, and graduation are not synonymous. Commencement is the event at which the university celebrates the graduation of its students. Convocation is the corresponding college-level event. Graduation is what happens to make these events possible. Capitalize the formal title of a particular commencement exercise. Lowercase non-specific references.

  • BYUH commencement
  • university commencement
  • commencement
  • 60th Fall Commencement Exercises
  • April (or winter) 2020 commencement exercises
  • December (or fall) commencement
  • June graduation
computer labs

Capitalize when they begin a sentence or are treated as a header.

  • BYUH computer labs are...
  • Computer lab hours are…
  • I am going to the computer lab(s).

A structured plan of study within an academic program. Treated as improper nouns.

  • The BYUH Visual Arts Program offers concentrations in graphic design and painting.
  • I'm pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in business management and a concentration in marketing.

Lowercase generic references to convocation exercises; capitalize specific references.

See commencement

  • convocations
  • convocation exercises
Counseling & Disability Services


  • Counseling & Disability Services
  • Counseling Services
  • Disability Services

Visit the Counseling Services website and the Disability Services website


Use a hyphen between C and Store. Capitalize Store.

Visit the C-Store webpage

Culture Night

an annual event hosted by BYUH Clubs every winter semester.

Curriculum Services


Visit the Curriculum webpage

dance studio(s)

BYUH has two dance studios. One in the McKay Gym and another one in the Fitness Studio.


Write out the dates including the month and day. Always use Arabic figures, without st, nd, rd or the. When a phrase refers to a month and day within the current year, do not include the year. If the reference is to a past or future year, include the year and set it off with commas. Years are an exception to the general rule in numerals that a figure is not used to start a sentence.

  • December 20, 2030, is the target date.
  • 2020 was a weird year.

Use an s without an apostrophe to indicate spans of decades or centuries.

  • the 1800s

See months for more.

David O. McKay Auditorium (AUD)


Short Names:

  • McKay Auditorium
  • auditorium
David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding


Short Name:
McKay Center

Visit the David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding website

David O. McKay Classroom Building (MCK)


Short Names:

  • McKay Classroom Building
  • McKay Building
Dean of Students Office


Visit the Dean of Students Office website

Disability Services

See Counseling & Disability Services


a general topic of study.

See majors, minors, and academic disciplines

Dress and Grooming Standards

Lowercase and treated as a improper noun. Only capitalize for headers.


Do not use hyphens for dual-heritage terms. When possible, refer to a person’s country of origin or follow the person’s preference.

  • Filipino American, Indian American, Asian American

Avoid using Asian as shorthand for Asian American when possible.

Do not describe Pacific Islanders as Asian Americans, Asians, or of Asian descent.

Edward D. Smith Center for Learning & Teaching


Full Name: (Used for official communication)

  • Edward D. Smith Center for Learning & Teaching

Short Name:

  • Center for Learning & Teaching

Visit the Center for Learning & Teaching website


also known as concentration.

See more under concentration/emphasis

Empower Your Dreams (EYD)

entrepreneurship competition

Full Name: (Used for official communication)

  • Ed & Shauna Smith Empower Your Dreams Competition

Short Name:

  • Empower Your Dreams Competition

Visit the EYD webpage

Enterprise Information Systems (EIS)


Visit the EIS website

Facilities Management (FM)


Visit the FM website

Facilities Management Office (FMO)

the office for Facilities Management

Facilities Management Shop Building 1 (FS1)

houses Facilities Management shop space and storage.

Facilities Management Shop Building 2 (FS2)

houses Facilities Management shop space and storage.

Faculty Advisory Council (FAC)

facilitates and chooses the lecturer for the annual David O. McKay Lecture series and hosts forums to further expanding academic insight and teaching moral values, as well as a place where new knowledge and vital issues could be discussed.

Faculty of Arts & Letters


Visit the Faculty of Arts & Letters website

Faculty of Business & Government


Visit the Faculty of Business & Government website

Faculty of Culture, Language & Performing Arts


Visit the Faculty of Culture, Language & Performing Arts website

Faculty of Education & Social Work


Visit the Faculty of Education & Social Work website

Faculty of Math & Computing


Visit the Faculty of Math & Computing website

Faculty of Religious Education


Visit the Faculty of Religious Education website

Faculty of Sciences


Visit the Faculty of Sciences website

Farmers Market


No apostrophe (possessive) in "Farmers"

Visit the Farmers Market webpage

Financial Aid & Scholarships


Visit the Financial Aid & Scholarships website

Financial Services


Visit the Financial Services website

Fitness Center

is the on-campus Fitness Center open to students, faculty, and staff; also includes the weight room.

Visit the Fitness Center webpage

Fitness Studio (FIT)

a facility with three different rooms with different equipment/setup: FIT 110 has weights, FIT 120 has TRX equipment, and FIT 130 has space for activities like yoga, Zumba, pilates, dancing, and free play.

Visit the Fitness Studio webpage

Flag Circle

serves as the roundabout in front of the McKay Foyer; also presents all of the different flags of our students’ home countries.

Fleet Services

provides and maintains the fleet of vehicles owned by the university for the use of students and faculty.

Visit the FM website

Food Fest

an annual event hosted by Student Leadership & Services' Clubs every fall semester.

Visit the Food Fest webpage

Food Services


Visit the Food Services website

Founders Day and Founders Week

the celebration of the establishment of Brigham Young University–Hawaii.

There is no apostrophe in "Founders" as the word is treated as an adjective to the event name.

Great Ideas

entrepreneurship competition
an annual entrepreneurship competition, hosted by the Willes Center, that's held every fall semester.

Full Name: (Used for official communication)

  • Ryan & Shauna Ockey Great Ideas Competition

Short Name:

  • Great Ideas Competition

Visit the Great Ideas webpage


preserves the grounds of the university through gardening, landscape, and pest control.

Visit the FM website

gym parking lot

provides parking near the McKay Gym and behind the Cannon Activities Center.

Habitat Restoration Project

where students and faculty study and practice the science of ecological restoration, creating to a space where students and community members can connect with native species and indigenous knowledge.

Hales (1-10)

on-campus housing for single students.

  • Students living in Hales 1 and 3...
  • Students living in the hales...

Lowercase "hale" when it isn't mentioned along with a number.

hale courtyard

the common grassy area between the hales connected to the hale pavilion for students as a gathering spot.

hale pavilion

the cement tented area between the hales for students to gather.

Hale Sports Court

See sports court


prepares incoming Hawaii high schoolers for life after graduation, exposing them to college life, activities in the Laie community, and academic career choices provided at BYU–Hawaii. This is for grades 9-12 with the requirement of being a current Hawaii high school student and resident. This program is hosted by the Strategic Enrollment department.

Health Center (HCB)

the on-campus Health Center for all current students and houses Health Services.

Health Services

offers medical care and assistance to all students, their dependents, and DMBA managed care participants who have identified the university doctor as their primary care provider.

Student Medical Benefit

Heber J. Grant Building (HGB)


HGB parking lot

provides parking behind the Heber J. Grant Building.


the academic voyage for BYUH students to plan out towards graduation—combining a major with two minors or certificates. "holo" = to go, to move, to travel. "kai" = ocean.

Visit the Holokai website

Honor Code

a set of standards by which students, faculty, and staff members are to live by.

  • BYUH Honor Code (not BYUH Code of Honor)
  • the Honor Code
  • Church Educational System (or CES) Honor Code (when applicable to BYU, BYU–Hawaii, BYU–Idaho, Ensign College, and BYU–Pathway Worldwide)
  • Office of Honor
  • Student Honor Team
  • Dress and Grooming Standards
Ho‘olokahi Chamber Choir

musical group
one of our university choirs. Has the mission to generate harmony by capitalizing on diversity, bringing together singers from around the globe in a space where meaningful musical exchange and growth can occur.

Note the two diacritical marks in the official name:
Ho‘olōkahi Chamber Choir

Housing Office Building (HOB)

houses Residential Living.

Housing Office parking lot

provides parking outside of the Housing Office.

Housing Operations

responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of university housing and student housing.


  • Housing Property Services
  • Housing Maintenance

Related Terms:

  • townhouse, townhouses
  • off-campus university housing

Visit the Housing Operations website


an activity area that is open to both students and community members, and can be booked for private events. It provides bowling, video games, ping pong, pool tables, and other activities.

Human Resources


Visit the HR website

hyphens (-)

Hyphens are joiners. Use hyphens to avoid ambiguity or to form a single idea from two or more words. Think of them as an aid to readers' comprehension. If using a hyphen makes the meaning clearer, use it. Don't use it if it just adds clutter and distraction to the sentence. Consider rephrasing the sentence if there is confusion about how to use them. Do not hyphenate dual-heritage terms. See dual-heritage for more.

Commonly hyphenated words at BYU–Hawaii:

  • work-study
  • on-campus*
  • off-campus*
  • C-Store

*Use only when using it to describe the type of housing, not as to where they live.

IWORK is a work-study program.
On-campus housing is available.
I live off campus. ("off campus" is not used as an adjective)
She is going to move to off-campus housing.
There are spots available for housing on campus.
There are spots available for on-campus housing.

Information Technology Infrastructure (ITI)


Visit the ITI website

Information Technology Operations (ITO)


Visit the ITO website

Institutional Assessment


Visit the Assessment webpage

Institutional Research


Visit the Institutional Research website

Instructional Services


Visit the Joseph F. Smith Library website

International Student Services (ISS)


Visit the ISS website


Capitalize island or islands as part of a proper name.

the Hawaiian Islands

Lowercase island or islands when they stand alone or when the reference is to the islands in a given area.

the Pacific islands
the island of Oahu


work-study program
stands for the International Work Opportunity Return-ability Kuleana Program (long form)

IWORK Program (short form)

Visit the IWORK webpage

job titles

See titles

Jonathan Nāpela Center for Hawaiian & Pacific Studies


Full Names:
Jonathan Nāpela Center for Hawaiian & Pacific Studies

Short Name:
Nāpela Center

Visit the Nāpela Center website

Joseph F. Smith Library (JFS)


  • Joseph F. Smith Library
  • BYUH library
  • the university library
  • the library

Visit the Joseph F. Smith Library website


an agricultural land plot on campus where the Hawaiian Studies Program teaches kuleana (stewardship) for ka ‘āina (the land), including the lo’i (taro patch).

Ke Alaka‘i

began as a newsletter, changed to a tabloid-sized newspaper in the 1980s, and has evolved now into a monthly, 60-page magazine and online media organization. Uses an ‘okina before the i.

See Campus News Center.

Visit the Ke Alaka‘i website

Kumuwaiwai Center for Sustainability


Visit the Kumuwaiwai Center for Sustainability website

Language & Speech Lab


Visit the Language & Speech Lab website

Lanihuli Gardens

where the Kumuwaiwai Center for Sustainability teaches sustainability skills and provides food for its participants, volunteers, and Food Services.


See Joseph F. Smith Library

Little Theater (LTH)

a secondary auditorium on campus that is used for a classroom and area to use for student activities, plays, and socials.

Lorenzo Snow Administration Building (LSB)


  • Lorenzo Snow Administration Building
  • Lorenzo Snow Building
  • Snow Building
  • Admin Building
Mail Center


Visit the Mail Center website

main parking lot

serves as the campus’ main parking lot for visitors, faculty, staff, and students near the Lorenzo Snow Administration Building, the Aloha Center, and Aloha Center Ballroom.

Maintenance Management

fulfills and maintains all work order requests from students, staff, and on-campus housing.


  • Campus Maintenance
  • Systems Maintenance

Visit the FM website

majors, minors, and academic disciplines

Lowercase the names of the majors, minors, and academic disciplines, except for those that are already proper nouns.

  • history
  • Hawaiian studies
  • Pacific studies
  • business management
  • visual arts
  • math

[Person's name] has a [capitalized degree type] with a major in [lowercase major*] and a concentration in [lowercase concentration].

[Person's name] is majoring in [lowercase major*] with a [lowercase concentration] concentration.

*Some exceptions, such as English.

Adam Matthews has a Bachelor of Science with a major in business management and a concentration in marketing.
Suzy Miller is majoring in visual arts with a graphic design concentration.
He is a business management major.
She is studying visual arts/graphic design.

makai front field

ocean side front field.

makai hale parking lot

ocean side parking lot, providing parking by Hales 3, 5, 7.

Marketing and Communications


Visit the Marketing and Communications website

math lab

located in Science Building Room 302; provides top-quality support to the students of BYU–Hawaii in all of their math needs.

Visit the Math Lab webpage

mauka front field

mountain side front field.

mauka hale parking lot

mountain side parking lot, providing parking by Hales 4, 6, and 8.

McKay Auditorium

See David O. McKay Auditorium

McKay Building

See David O. McKay Classroom Building

McKay Faculty Building (MFB)

houses faculty offices located by the Little Theater.

McKay Foyer


  • foyer
McKay Gymnasium & Pool (GYM)


It is not the Old Gym.

To separate the two locations, use:

  • McKay Gymnasium or McKay Gym
  • McKay Pool
  • gym
  • pool
McKay Sports Court

See sports court

Media Productions

creates and manages all visual, written, and multi-media products that are produced by BYU–Hawaii.

  • Media Productions
  • Media Production Team

Visit the Media Productions website

Media Services

delivers multimedia resources and services to classes and to other instructional programs and events that are part of the university’s curriculum.

Visit the OIT website

Micro Market

Visit the

Micro Market webpage

Mikionele Way

leads traffic farther out than the Academic Oval, behind the academic buildings, to the hales and the Temple View Apartments (TVA).

mission of Brigham Young University–Hawaii, The

the mission of Brigham Young University–Hawaii

  • the mission of BYUH
  • the BYUH mission statement
  • mission statement

Capitalize the names of months in all uses. When a month is used with a specific date, abbreviate only Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec. Spell out when using alone, or with a year alone.

When a phrase lists only a month and a year, do not separate the year with commas. When a phrase refers to a month, day and year, set off the year with commas.

  • January 2016 was a cold month.
  • Jan. 2 was the coldest day of the month.
  • Her anniversary is May 12.
  • Feb. 14, 2021, was the due date.
  • She stated that it was Wednesday, Dec. 24 , when the accident happened.
  • In tabular material, use these three-letter forms without a period: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec.
Napela Center

See Jonathan Nāpela Center for Hawaiian & Pacific Studies.

Napela Drive

operates as a two-way street from the Shumway Gate down to the Polynesian Cultural Center’s employee back gate.


a wireless secure network service for the BYUH campus.

Visit the ITI website


  • Spell out one through nine.
    I leave Hawaii in two months.
    He finished second in the race.

Use figures for 10 or above and whenever preceding a unit of measure or referring to ages of people, animals, events or things. Also in all tabular matter, and in statistical and sequential forms.

  • Use figures for:
    • academic course numbers:
      • English 315, Religion 100
    • addresses: Use the abbreviations Ave., Blvd. and St. only with a numbered address. Spell them out without a number.
      • 55-220 Kulanui St.
      • Kulanui Street
    • ages: Use hyphens for ages expressed as adjectives before a noun or as substitutes for a noun.
      • a 5-year-old boy; an 2-year-old policy
      • The boy is 5 years old.
      • The boy, 5, has a young sibling, 3.
      • The competition is for 12-year-olds.
      • The lady is in her 40s. 40-something, but Forty-something to start a sentence.
    • mathematical usage:
      • Multiply by 3
      • Add 2 and 6 to make 8.
    • monetary units:
      • 20 cents
      • $20 bill
    • rank:
      • That is my No. 1 choice. (abbreviate "number")
      • We made it to the Top 10!
    • school grades: Use figures for grades 10 and above. Spell out for first through ninth grades.
    • sequential designations: Use figures, but spell out ordinal numbers ninth and under. Capitalize the first letter for a single designation. Use lowercase for plurals.
      • Stage 3, Size 24, Room 155, Tier 1
      • rooms 155 and 157.
    • temperatures: Use figures, except zero.
    • units of measure:
      • 5 feet high
      • 6-foot man
      • 24 miles
  • Spell Out:
    • at the start of a sentence: Spell out numbers at the start of a sentence.
    • ordinals: These are numbers that indicate order. Spell out first through ninth. Use figures starting with 10th.
off-campus university housing

off-campus non-student housing for faculty and staff.


Departments can refer to their offices as [department name] office (note: office is lowercase) when their offices don’t have a different name from the department name. There are only a few departments that have "Office" as part of their official name. If it is part of the official name, then "Office" is uppercased.

  • Marketing and Communications office
  • Campus News Center office
  • Campus Safety & Security office
  • Budget Office
  • Office of the President
Office of Compliance & Ethics


Visit the Office of Compliance & Ethics website

Office of Customer Experience


Office of Honor


Visit the Office of Honor website

Office of Information Technology (OIT)


Visit the OIT website

Office of the President


View the Office of the President website

Office of the Registrar


Visit the Office of the Registrar website


the area overseen by the operations vice president.

Pacific Islands Research Room

is devoted to the study and learning of the people of the Pacific Islands; filled with books, periodicals, maps, and many artifacts relating to the Pacific Islands.

Visit the Joseph F. Smith Library website

Ph.D., Ph.D.s

See academic degrees

phone numbers

Departments and employees should provide the area code and the remaining eight digits of their phone number. Avoid providing only the extension number, especially for those who are off-campus and need to call from off-campus or a cellphone.

  • (808) 675-3211
physiology lab

assists students in the Faculty of Sciences.

Planning, Design, & Construction


Project Management

Visit the Construction Updates website

Portables 1-3 (P1-P3)

Portable 1 and Portable 2 serve as computer labs, and Portable 3 houses the Math Learning Center.

Lowercase "portables" when not mentioned including a number.

  • The portables are outside the library.
  • I'm going to Portable 2.
President's Conference Room

serves as a conference room for the university president. Also known as the PC Room.

President’s Council

is charged with determining the strategic directions of the university on all levels: educational, fiscal, spiritual, and physical. Their primary focus is the success of each individual student and the leadership development of the entire BYU–Hawaii ohana as well as how the decisions of BYU–Hawaii affect Laie and the surrounding community.

Visit the President's Council webpage

President’s Home

the home of the current BYUH president and his family.

President John S.K. Kauwe III

the eleventh president of BYU–Hawaii.

  • President John S.K. Kauwe III
  • President Kauwe
  • ... the university president, John S.K. Kauwe III.
  • ... the president

See more under titles

Print Services

a full-service print shop that exists to serve the university. It is available to students and the community for business and personal printing needs.

  • BYUH Print Services
  • Print Services

Visit the Print Services website

Production Studio

a studio reserved for students to create graphics, videos, and other media types.


See majors and minors

Project Management

manages maintenance and construction activities on campus.


  • Maintenance Projects
  • Construction Projects

Visit the Construction Updates website



Visit the Purchasing website

Reading Writing Lab


Visit the Reading Writing Lab website

Receiving Warehouse

the primary delivery point for campus-wide receiving

Recycling Center

campus recycling transfer facility.

Registrar, Office of the

See Office of the Registrar

Residential Living


Visit the Student Housing website

Safety & Risk Management


Science Building (SCB)

houses faculty from the Faculty of Sciences and the Faculty of Math & Computing, teaching laboratories, research and support spaces, classrooms, and other informal learning and collaborative spaces.


See Campus Safety & Security


used as a nickname for a student, alumnus, or supporter of the university.

Seasider Singers

musical group
a choral group and class for university students which strives to spread unity, inclusion, and cultural diversity through choral singing.

Seasider Snackbar

Visit the Seasider Snackbar webpage

Seasider Sports & Activities


  • Seasider Sports & Activities
  • Seasider Sports
  • Seasider Activities

Visit the Seasider Sports & Activities website

Seasider Turf Field

the field outside of the McKay Gym.

  • Seasider Turf Field
  • turf field

Capitalize seasons only when they’re in a proper noun (i.e. winter season vs Winter Olympics). When referring to a particular semester, the season year, and word semester should be capitalized (Spring 2020 Semester), but when referring to all spring semesters, it doesn’t need to be capitalized.

Fall 2022 Semester
During the winter semester...
This spring semester...
All fall semesters...
This winter...

Service Center


Visit the Service Center webpage

sewing room

assists students with personal sewing needs and projects while providing the tools and workspace.

Shumway Gate

the entrance at the corner of the main parking lot.

soccer field

the field behind the PCC back gates.

Social Sciences Building (SSB)


softball field

the field behind the Facilities Management Office.

sports court

BYU–Hawaii has two sports courts. One is between the hales and another next to the Seasider Turf Field.

sports court
sports courts
Hale Sports Court
McKay Sports Court

Stake Center (STC)

the on-campus Stake Center that hosts church meetings and religion classes.

Stake Center pavilions

the outdoor pavilions next to the stake center for small gatherings.

Student Employment


Visit the Student Employment webpage

Student Insurance Office

houses the Health Services’ division of Student Medical Benefit.

Student Leadership & Service


Visit the Student Leadership & Service website

Student Life

the area overseen by the student life vice president.

Systems Maintenance

See Maintenance Management

Teacher Education Building (TEB)

houses all classes and programs that are involved in the Teacher Education program.

TEB parking lot

provides parking by the Teacher Education Building (TEB)

Telephone Services


Visit the ITI Telephone Services webpage

Temple View Apartments A-Z (TVA)

on-campus housing for married students.

tennis courts

where students can play outdoor tennis. Used for tennis classes and student activities.

Testing Center


Visit the Testing Center website


Use figures except for noon and midnight. Use a colon to separate hours from minutes. Include a space in between the number and am/pm in lowercase. Exceptions to AM/PM (in caps) is using a font that is designed in capital letters.
Use am/pm without periods (not a.m./p.m.).
Use an en dash in between the time frames.

  • 8 am or 8:00 am
  • 5:30 pm
  • 4 o'clock
  • 8–11 am or 8:00 am – 11:00 am
  • noon to 5 pm
  • 8 hours
  • 30 minutes
  • 20 seconds

Spell out numbers less than 10 standing alone and in modifiers.

  • I'll be there in five minutes.
  • There are two seconds left on the clock.
  • I work an eight-hour day.
  • We have a two-minute warning.

  • Formal Titles: Capitalize formal titles when they are stated immediately before one or more names. A formal title generally denotes a scope of authority, professional activity or academic activity. Formal titles include president, vice president, director, dean, and dean of students.

    President Kauwe, Vice Presidents Laura Tevaga and Kala Kau.
    Dean Gary Nelson
    Deans Maggie Hong and David Wood
    James Faustino, the dean of students

  • Use Dr. in the first reference as a formal title before the name of an individual who holds a doctorate degree or is a doctor (healthcare)
    Dr. Royden Christensen works at the Health Center.

  • Lowercase and spell out titles when not used with an individual's name or set.
    The president sent out a message to the students.
    The student life vice president gave a devotional speech.

  • Lowercase and spell out titles in constructions that set them off from a name by commas.
    The university president, John S.K. Kauwe III, was inaugurated in 2021.
    Isaiah Walker, the academic vice president, went on a business trip this week.

  • Other titles serve primarily as occupational descriptions (job titles). Other titles include lead, specialist, coordinator, professor, supervisor, analyst, manager, etc.

    Systems analyst Joe Taylor, social media manager Brenda Kim, and administrative assistant Stacy Smith.

Title IX Office


Visit the Title IX Office website

townhouse, townhouses

on-campus non-student housing for faculty and staff.

Travel Services


Visit the Travel Services website

TVA Family Living & Learning Resource Room (LLRR)

a multi-use room that is primarily for TVA residents.

TVA laundry

consists of two laundry rooms that are reserved to TVA tenants.

TVA Office

oversees and maintains that Temple View Apartments.

TVA parking lot

provides parking near the Temple View Apartments (TVA).


lowercase when stated on its own.

  • The university is admitting new students in the fall.
  • We invite all university employees to attend.
  • The university policy is posted online.
University Archives


Visit the University Archives website

University Scheduling


Visit the University Scheduling website

weight room

located in the Fitness Center.

See Fitness Center

Willes Center for International Entrepreneurship


Full Name: (Used for official communication)
Mark & Laura Willes Center for International Entrepreneurship

Short Name:
Willes Center

Visit the Willes Center website

Women's Services & Resources


Visit the Women's Services & Resources website

Work Management


Visit the Work Management webpage