Predominately use red and white in designs. When using gold and gray, don't let it overpower red and white. This is most appropriate for all official university communication.
Primary Colors
PMS 200 C CMYK 12/100/91/4 RGB 186/12/47 Hex #ba0c2f
Predominately use red and white in designs. When using other accent colors, don't let it overpower red and white. This is most appropriate for all official university communication.
PMS 2400 C CMYK 90/1/53/0 RGB 0/176/151 Hex #00b097
PMS 7597 C CMYK 0/85/95/2 RGB 209/65/36 Hex #d14124
PMS 211 C CMYK 0/69/16/0 RGB 245/126/182 Hex #f57eb6
PMS 253 C CMYK 34/100/7/0 RGB 173/26/172 Hex #ad1aac
PMS 7634 C CYMK 18/75/42/1 RGB 193/103/132 Hex #c16784
Dark Accents
PMS 201 C CMYK 0/100/63/29 RGB 158/27/52 Hex #9e1b34
Forest Green
PMS 568 C CMYK 90/40/71/32 RGB 0/108/91 Hex #006c5b
PMS 202 C CMYK 29/96/94/34 RGB 134/38/51 Hex #862633
PMS 7636 C CMYK 15/100/58/2 RGB 188/32/75 Hex #bc204b
PMS 7651 C CMYK 55/100/34/20 RGB 106/42/91 Hex #6a2a5b
Tints and Shades
These are various tints and shades of the primary, secondary, and marketing colors. These should be used to accent a design. "Color" 1 is the lightest tint of the original color, "Color" 2 is the medium-level tint/shade, and "Color" 3 is a darker shade.
Red 1
CMYK 0/43/13/0 RGB 245/166/180 Hex #f5a6b4
Red 2
CMYK 0/90/60/0 RGB 238/64/85 Hex #ee4055
Red 3
CMYK 0/25/99/80/19 RGB 160/30/51 Hex #a01e33
Gold 1
CMYK 1/14/38/0 RGB 251/218/166 Hex #fbdaa6
Gold 2
CMYK 8/31/81/0 RGB 233/177/76 Hex #e9b14c
Gold 3
CMYK 32/54/99/15 RGB 157/111/43 Hex #9d6f2b
Turquoise 1
CMYK 30/0/14/0 RGB 175/222/221 Hex #afdedd
Turquoise 2
CMYK 61/0/35/0 RGB 92/194/181 Hex #5cc2b5
Turquoise 3
CMYK 87/30/66/13 RGB 3/124/105 Hex #037c69
Orange 1
CMYK 0/50/36/0 RGB 245/150/141 Hex #f5968d
Orange 2
CMYK 4/69/60/0 RGB 231/113/97 Hex #e77161
Orange 3
CMYK 19/93/98/9 RGB 186/54/39 Hex #ba3627
Pink 1
CMYK 0/33/2/0 RGB 247/185/207 Hex #f7b9cf
Pink 2
CMYK 0/53/6/0 RGB 243/147/180 Hex #f393b4
Pink 3
CMYK 20/81/34/1 RGB 199/85/121 Hex #c75579
Magenta 1
CMYK 11/56/0/0 RGB 217/136/185 Hex #d988b9
Magenta 2
CMYK 22/84/0/0 RGB 194/77/155 Hex #c24d9b
Magenta 3
CMYK 53/100/27/10 RGB 129/35/107 Hex #81236b
Forest Green 1
CMYK 66/20/46/1 RGB 93/160/147 Hex #5da093
Forest Green 2
CMYK 88/33/69/19 RGB 2/114/94 Hex #02725e
Forest Green 3
CMYK 90/46/73/46 RGB 1/74/61 Hex #014a3d
Color Proportions in Design Examples
Below are examples of the amounts of red, white, gold, and gray used in comparison to our marketing colors.
Other things to consider: this design example uses our brand fonts and messaging.
Photo by Marketing and Communications
Frequently Asked Questions
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When is it required to use our brand colors?
We should use our brand colors as much as possible. They are a bold and confident representation of BYU–Hawaii’s identity, and we want everyone to embrace them.
Our brand colors should be used primarily for official university communications, such as brochures detailing department resources and services, announcements of important academic deadlines, and printed or digital ads promoting department services.
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When is it appropriate to NOT use our brand colors?
You may use other colors if they best support your message. Examples include musicals, plays, or concerts with themes or creative marketing approaches to attract your target audience. However, this does not mean we should actively seek reasons to avoid using our brand colors. First and foremost, we must use them whenever possible in most cases.
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How do we ensure we are using the correct colors?
We provide the color codes—Pantones (PMS), CMYK, RGB, and Hex Codes.
PMS refers to the Pantone Matching System. It is used for precise color matching for product design, such as printing logos on shirts or other swag/products.
Use CMYK codes for printed materials (posters, banners, flyers, stickers, etc.).
Use RGB and Hex Codes for digital purposes (web graphics, digital ads, social media graphics, PowerPoint slides, etc.)
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How much of the primary colors should I use in combination with our secondary color? (Color Proportions)
Predominately use red and white in designs. When using gold and gray, don't let it overpower red and white. Note that gold is less than red and white, but greater than gray. This is most appropriate for all official university communication.
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How much of the primary/secondary colors should I use in combination with the marketing colors? (Color Proportions)
Predominately use red and white in designs. When using other accent colors, don't let it overpower red and white. Note that gold is used more than the accent colors, but used less than red and white. This is most appropriate for all official university communication.