Digital Signs
Submit a Digital Signage Request

Digital Signs on Campus
- Plan a marketing strategy.
- Design/create the digital sign ad.
- Upload your file and fill out the Digital Signage Request form.
- The ad will be displayed in a playlist of other ads for a period of time.
Toggle ItemStep 1: Planning
The process for developing a digital ad should begin at least two weeks before the time that you would like it displayed.
It will be displayed on all digital signage across campus (see a list of digital sign locations) and can be up for no longer than five weeks. We recommend content be displayed for at least one week before the event date for effective publicity.
Toggle ItemStep 2: Design/Create
Refer to the "Static Image Guidelines" and "Video Guidelines" for the specific requirements.
Image Templates
If you need assistance, creating a digital sign image, University Communications has templates available for Photoshop, Illustrator, and PowerPoint that can be used to create an image. Email your request for the templates to
University Projects
If you have a high-profile or important university-level project, University Communications can assist with the design work. Submit a design request.
Toggle ItemStep 3: Submit
Upload your file and fill out the Digital Signage Request form.
Email with questions, concerns, or revisions.
Toggle ItemStep 4: Display
University Communications will put the static image/video on the digital signage across campus. University Communications will take it down once your requested display period has passed.
Static Image Guidelines
- Dimensions: 1920 px by 1080 px (16:9, landscape) and/or 1080 px by 1669 px (17:11, portrait).
- Color Mode: RGB.
- Format: jpeg or png.
- The amount of text should be limited and large enough to read from a distance.
- The amount of information should be simplified and straight to the point, enough for viewers to understand and absorb within 10 seconds.
- Information can be split into more than one image and played one right after the other. However, no more than three images on the same topic are permitted. This aligns with the 30-second maximum length for videos. More information can be referenced using a web address.
- Content should include a "call to action". If the call to action is to visit a website for more information, use a customized, shortened, and memorable web address (URL). Note that not all users know how to scan QR codes or are quick enough to scan before the image changes.
- Content and artwork should align with the messaging and values of BYU–Hawaii and the Honor Code.
- Content should follow the BYUH Editorial Style Guide. Here are a few common mistakes/reminders:
- Write out the dates with the day of the week, the month, and the number of the day without st, nd, rd, th, or the year (e.g., Wednesday, Oct. 10 or Wed, October 10). The year may be included only for annual events.
- Times are spelled without periods, in lowercase letters, and space between the number and am/pm (e.g.,11 am–9 pm)
- Use the official department/organization and location titles.
- Include an official BYUH department logo. Refer to the university brand guidelines for additional help on logo usage and treatment.
Video Guidelines
- Dimensions: 1920 px by 1080 px (16:9, landscape) and/or 1080 px by 1669 px (17:11, portrait).
- Color Mode: RGB.
- Videos should have no music or sound effects.
- Videos should be no longer than 30 seconds.
- The amount of text should be limited and large enough to read from a distance.
- The amount of information should be simplified and straight to the point, enough for viewers to understand and absorb within a few seconds of viewing it.
- Content should include a "call to action". If the call to action is to visit a website for more information, use a customized, shortened, and memorable web address (URL). Note that not all users know how to scan QR codes or are quick enough to scan before the image changes.
- Content and artwork should be aligned with the messaging and values of BYU–Hawaii and the Honor Code.
- Grammar and spelling should be correct.
- Content should follow the BYUH Editorial Style Guide. Here are a few common mistakes/reminders:
- Write out the dates with the day of the week, the month, and the number of the day without st, nd, rd, th, or the year (e.g., Wednesday, Oct. 10 or Wed, October 10). The year may be included only for annual events.
- Times are spelled without periods, in lowercase letters, and space between the number and am/pm (e.g.,11 am–9 pm)
- Use the official department/organization and location titles.
- Content should follow the BYUH Editorial Style Guide. Here are a few common mistakes/reminders:
- Include an official BYUH department logo (Refer to the university brand guidelines for additional help on logo usage and treatment).
Below is a map of digital signs on the first floors of buildings on campus. View the online map for a complete list of digital sign locations.