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A young man looking at a bulletin board with posters

Posters on Campus

BYU–Hawaii departments and organizations wishing to advertise events, campaigns, initiatives, etc. through tabloid-size (11" x 17") posters can design them and request permission to display them on existing bulletin boards and other spaces across campus from individual locations/departments.
Process and Guidelines
Detailed Instructions and Timeline
Design Guidelines
  • Plan out where on campus you'd like to display your posters. Keep in mind that each area on campus is managed by individual departments. If you’d like to hang your poster in their assigned spaces, you’ll need to ask permission from them before doing so. For courtesy, you should ask them before putting them up.

    For safety reasons, signs on glass windows and doors must not become a distraction nor block visibility for patrons walking in and out of the buildings. To preserve the paint on the walls and doors on campus, hanging posters at these types of locations is prohibited.

  • If you are managing the design of your poster, please make sure that it meets the design and brand guides, and print requirements.

    If you need help designing your poster, please submit a design request. A minimum of one week of design and revision is recommended.

  • Once you have your document ready, place an order online at Print Services.

  • Departments are responsible for displaying posters in the desired spaces and removing the signs when the event has ended, or they no longer need to be on display. We recommend that posters be displayed several days to a week before the event date for effective publicity.

    For safety reasons, signs on glass windows and doors must not become a distraction nor block visibility for patrons walking in and out of the buildings. To preserve the paint on the walls and doors on campus, hanging posters at these types of locations is prohibited.

    These are examples of the several main locations and their point of contact.

    LocationPoint of Contact

    The three-sided bulletin board outside of the library (takes 1-3 posters)

    *The community board in the Aloha Center is the only place where the university will accept non-related BYUH content.

    Aloha Center Information Desk (Campus Life)

    Business Hours:
    8:00 am to 10:00 pm, Monday through Friday
    (808) 675-3545

    Bulletin Boards in the McKay hallsAsk the faculty units that manage those spaces.
    Banyan Dining HallFood Services (ask the employees)
    HalesAsk the RA's
    Heber J. Grant BuildingFaculty of Business & Government
    Seasider SnackbarFood Services (ask the employees)

Design Guidelines

  • Dimensions: 11" x 17" (tabloid) or 8.5" x 11" (letter). If the design goes to the edge of the paper, include bleeds and crop marks. More information is provided by Print Services.
  • If the content includes a "call to action" and it is to visit a website for more information, use a customized, shortened, and memorable link. *Not all users know how to scan QR codes.
  • Content and artwork should be in line with the messaging and values of BYU–Hawaii and the Honor Code.
  • Write out the dates with the day of the week, the month, and the number of the day without st, nd, rd, th, or the year (e.g., Wednesday, Oct. 10 or Wed, October 10). The year may be included only for annual events.
  • Times are spelled without periods, in lowercase letters, and space between the number and am/pm (e.g.,11 am – 12 pm).
  • Use the official department/organization and location titles. Refer to the Editorial Style Guide for these titles.
  • Include an official BYUH department logo (Refer to the university brand guidelines for additional help on logo usage and treatment).

Posters must comply with the BYUH brand guidelines. Failure to do so will result in a written warning, and the department will be required to correct the violation in future poster designs. If the same violation persists in future poster designs, and the department has received at least three warnings, the posters will be taken down and disposed of without given notice.