Employee and Student Bulletins
Bulletin Procedures and Guidelines
Please review these procedures and guidelines regularly, especially before submitting a bulletin announcement. For any questions or concerns, email us at bulletin@byuh.edu.
Bulletin Procedures and Guidelines
Toggle ItemDistribution and Submission Deadlines
- Employee Bulletin: Distributed daily to all employees, missionaries, and volunteers at BYU–Hawaii during the semester. During breaks between semesters, employee bulletins are distributed twice a week.
- Student Bulletin: Distributed twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays to all current students.
- Submission Deadline: Announcements must be received no later than noon (12 pm) the business day prior to be included in the next day’s bulletin. Late announcements will be included in the following scheduled bulletin if applicable.
Toggle ItemContent Requirements
- Word Limit: Announcements must be 80 words or less, including attributions and contact information. Hyperlinks can be included to direct readers to a web page for more information, preferably within the byuh.edu domain.
- Contact Information: Include a name and BYUH email address (@go.byuh.edu or @byuh.edu) for contact purposes.
- Audience: Each bulletin is geared toward its respective audience. If an event is for students only, it will not be included in the employee bulletin and vice versa. Submit information that pertains to both students and employees to each bulletin using the same form, with tailored content for each audience and using the form to mark your intended audience.
- Non-university Information: For non-BYU–Hawaii events or initiatives, a supporting, hosting, or sponsoring department should be included in the announcement.
- Surveys: Survey links will not be included in bulletin announcements. Surveys can be referenced, but links should be sent separately to target participants or sample set to prevent survey fatigue.
Toggle ItemProhibited Announcements
The following are not appropriate for any BYU–Hawaii bulletin:
- Personal or commercial advertisements
- Fundraisers
- Lost and found
- Other personal business
- Rumors and hearsay
- Individual out-of-office announcements
- Items or events covering doctrinally sensitive issues
Toggle ItemEditorial Rights and Distribution
- Text Refinement: Marketing and Communications reserves the right to refine the text to fit the style, voice, and format of the bulletin.
- Single Distribution: All submissions will be distributed once as new submissions. Re-submitted identical information will not be redistributed. Exceptions made for accreditation or legal reasons must be verified and approved by Marketing and Communications or a vice president.
- Announcement Series: Certain campaigns are allowed three announcements with slightly different information. This is reserved for infrequent and high-priority events and requires a marketing and announcement schedule and content plan submitted ahead of time.
- Corrections: Corrections or updates to previously submitted announcements with critical information changes (date, time, place) may be included.
- Featured Submissions: Submissions may be chosen to feature larger photos and graphics on a case-by-case basis.
- Rejections: Marketing and Communications reserves the right to reject submissions. Policies are subject to change, and notifications will be provided for any changes.
Toggle ItemBulletin Sections
- Announcements: Informational messages about notices, policies, articles, procedures, deadlines, etc. These announcements may include links to published web pages.
- Refer Your Students: If an announcement or an event is for students only and faculty are informed so that they can notify or encourage their students to attend or participate, the information will be separated into a sub-section.
- In the News: When BYU–Hawaii is featured in another media outlet or news publication, the article, web page, podcast, or video will be linked. This does not include every reference to the university published online.
- Events: In Monday bulletins, all events for the week are announced. All events included in the bulletin should also be published on the University Events website or myBYUH calendar. Use the Submit an Event Form or work with your department website content manager to add the event on the University Events website and request a bulletin event entry. If an event requires registration, sign-ups, or tickets, it will be announced earlier in the announcements section, and a short reference will be included on the Monday before the event.
- Outages, Detours, and Closures: Submit as events using the event form with start and end dates. For unknown end dates, provide an estimate and send updates to eventswebsite@byuh.edu. For immediate or emergency situations, use the immediate outage or closure event form.
- Thursday Tip: On Thursdays, a helpful piece of information is shared in the student and employee bulletins. These are not intended to be part of a campaign or promotion of an event but are to help remind readers of services, opportunities, and information that is available at BYUH. Suggestions for tips can be submitted using the bulletin submission form.
Community Happenings: Features information from BYU–Hawaii’s community partners for large events of interest. Marketing and Communications decides which events and information to include and limits these inclusions to special occasions each semester. Community partners include:
- Polynesian Cultural Center
- Hawaii Reserves Incorporated
- Laie Community Association
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Bulletin Submission and Event Calander Forms
Use the Submission form to request quick announcements for the Bulletin to include.
Use the Event form for events you would like to have advertised on the University Events calendar. Events filled out on this form will also be announced in the Bulletin.
Continue to Bulletin Announcement Form Continue to Event Calander Form