Special Bulletin
Procedures and Guidelines
1. The Special Bulletin is distributed as needed and to all students, faculty, and staff.
2. For an announcement to qualify for the special bulletin, the announcement must be requested and/or approved by a President's Council member.
3. A name and contact information should be included with the announcement as a resource for people to refer to if they have questions. Email addresses used as contact information must be a BYUH email address (@go.byuh.edu or @byuh.edu).
4. Marketing and Communications reserves the right to refine the text. Please ensure information is correct, such as dates, times, etc.
5. Marketing and Communications reserves the right to reject submissions. Policies are subject to change to address unforeseen issues should they arise. We will notify you when changes will be made on this policy.
8. The following announcements are not appropriate for any BYU–Hawaii bulletin:
- Personal commercial advertisements
- Fundraisers
- Lost and Found
- Other personal businesses
- Rumors and hearsay
- Individual out of office announcements
- Items or events covering doctrinally sensitive issues
- Surveys
9. Review these procedures and guidelines regularly.