Typography - BYUH Marketing and Communications Skip to main content
Brand Guide


Primary Typography
Formal Typography
Accessing Fonts


Montserrat is the university’s primary typeface for brand applications.

The alphabet and numbers in Montserrat font.

We recommend using Montserrat extra bold for headers, Montserrat bold for sub-headers, and Montserrat medium for the body text.

Montserrat font in different weights from thin to black. Then Extra Bold set as the header, Bold as the sub-header, and Medium as the body text.

Candlescript Pro

Used sparingly for formal or official designs such as inaugurations and commencements (typically for headers and titles, not body text).

The alphabet and numbers in Candlescript Pro font.
The words "Inauguration" and "Commencement" in Candlescript Pro font.

Accessing Fonts


All university departments are to use Montserrat for all official university materials as the primary font of their design.

  • The university has access to Adobe Fonts through a software agreement. If you install it through Adobe Fonts, do not use Montserrat Alternates

Adobe Fonts Google Fonts

Do not recreate department logos using this font. All logos must be provided and created by Marketing and Communications.

Candlescript Pro

Departments do not need access to Candlescript Pro as it is to be used sparingly and only by Marketing and Communications.