University Name
When writing the university name, always make sure to represent it consistently. The three appropriate uses of the name are as follows:
- Brigham Young University–Hawaii
- Uses an en dash (–); Do not use an em dash (—), hyphen (-), or space
- Used when first referring to the university name in any official communication piece, and whenever possible in subsequent references
- BYU–Hawaii
- Uses an en dash (–); Do not replace with an em dash (—), or space
- Acceptable on the second reference
- Only the acronym, no dash
- Do not use BYU-H or BYU–H
- Avoid using in official publications and correspondences
Why the En Dash (–)?
According to the Church Style Guide
(i.e., BYU–Idaho, BYU–Hawaii *excludes original campus of BYU, in Provo)
How to Type the En Dash
- PC Users: Hold ALT and on the numeric keypad, enter 0150. For laptops, you may have to press an additional key to activate your numeric pad. The alternative options are to hold CTRL and then press the hyphen key (-) or hold ALT and then press the hyphen key (-).
- Mac Users: Hold option and then press the hyphen key (-).
*Typing the en dash may vary depending on the device, software, platform, browser, or keyboard capabilities. For additional assistance, email